The New England Journal of Medicine, August 17, 2023

Study Design: Randomized controlled Study (RCT) with 604 patients

What’s Interesting about this article?

  • The MIND diet is a hybrid of the Mediterranean and DASH diets with some modifications to include foods thought to reduce the risk of Alzheimer’s disease.
  • This was a 3-year two site study involving older adults without cognitive impairment but with a family history of dementia.
  • There was no significant difference in cognition or MRI outcomes in the MIND group and the control group at three years.

JournalDoc Comments:

  • 94% of the trial participants completed the study, which indicates an exceptionally high level of adherence.
  • It would be wonderful to have a dietary option for prevention of cognitive decline or Alzheimer’s, but dietary studies are difficult to complete because of lack of adherence or reliable food diaries. The MIND diet represents the best attempt to date, combining the proven benefits of both the Mediterranean and DASH diets.

Link to article in PubMed

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