Annals of Internal Medicine, June 27, 2023

Study Design and Number of Patients: Randomized Controlled Trial with 90 Adults with Obesity

What’s Interesting about this article?

  • Time Restricted Eating has become a popular weight loss strategy because it is easier to do than counting calories.
  • Whether time restricted eating without counting calories is effective has not been studied, so researchers randomly assigned participants to one of three groups – eight hours of eating per day (noon to 8 PM); calorie counting and a control group.
  • Both time restricted eating and calorie counting resulted in an average weight loss of approximately 5 kg more than the control group over 12 months

JournalDoc Comments:

  • This was a relatively small study with only 77 persons completing the study. However, the group was racially diverse, so findings are not confined to one race.
  • Obesity is a major health issue with multiple associated comorbidities, so helpful to know that one can select whichever approach is easier for them to adhere to and lose 10-12 pounds over a 12-month period.

Link to article in PubMed

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