Annals of Internal Medicine, September 2023

Study Design: Pooled Analysis of 5 Randomized Controlled Trials with Two Years of Individual Patient Data

What’s Interesting about this article?

  • Weight Gain and Hypertension are well known adverse events of treatment with high dose glucocorticoids.
  • This study provides solid evidence that low dose steroids over two years resulted in small increase in weight (one kg.) and no increase in blood pressure.

JournalDoc Comments:

  • As mentioned in an accompanying AIM editorial, the “pendulum swings back” on the risks of low dose steroids in treating rheumatoid arthritis on a chronic basis.
  • Previous observational studies appear to have overstated the impact on weight and blood pressure.
  • Steroids are effective and low-cost drugs, and these findings may decrease patient and physician concerns over adverse effects in R.A. and potentially other chronic diseases.

Link to article in Pub Med

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