JAMA Original Investigation Article

Journal of the American Medical Association, September 5, 2023

A randomized, Phase 2 clinical trial at 11 research sites with 104 participants aged 21 to 65 with a diagnosis of major depressive disorder.

What’s Interesting about this article?

  • A single 25 mg dose of synthetic psilocybin, with psychological support, resulted in a clinically significant and sustained reduction in depressive symptoms and functional disability.
  • A placebo effect was excluded because controls received a vitamin capsule identical in appearance to the psilocybin pills.
  • There were no serious adverse effects.

JournalDoc Comments:

  • As pointed out in an accompanying editorial by Rachel Yehuda, PhD and Amy Lehrner, PhD, psychedelic therapy may represent “A New Paradigm of Care for Mental Health.”
  • Most psychedelic compounds are illegal under federal law, therefore research with these compounds must be conducted under close supervision by trained individuals in accredited institutions.
  • The psychedelic approach focuses on revealing the causes of depression through new insights during the induced visions or hallucinations, rather than suppression of symptoms through traditional antidepressants.
  • As with most new treatments, we need to proceed slowly and carefully in evaluating the potential of psychedelics through additional experiments.

Link to Article in PubMed

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