JAMA Original Investigation Article

Journal of the American Medical Association, September 12, 2023

Retrospective Study from the UK Biobank, including 49,841 adults > 60 years without an initial diagnosis of dementia.

What’s Interesting about this article?

  • Individuals in the study wore a wrist accelerometer to measure sedentary (sitting) time each day.
  • These older adults resided in England, Scotland or Wales and were followed for 6.72 years. During this time 414 individuals were diagnosed with dementia.
  • More time spent in sedentary behavior was significantly associated with a higher incidence of dementia.

JournalDoc Comments:

  • This is an extraordinarily large study group from one of the most respected data registries in the world.
  • The retrospective study design does not allow a determination of whether this relationship is causal – i.e., that increased sitting time results in increased risk of dementia. However, it may be “associated with” the diagnosis of dementia.
  • This study may add further weight to the adage that “sitting is the new smoking” in preventive medicine.

Link to Article in PubMed

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